NHS Kingston Hospital Charity Web Case Study

NHS Kingston Hospital charity strives to continue to deliver an outstanding level of care.

The challenge.

We wanted to give the charity a website they would be proud to show off to their patients, which we managed to deliver. The team at the hospital came to us with problem of not having a stand-alone website for their charity and no integration with the donation platform Blackbaud eTapestry. They required the new website to be built on WordPress and needed Blackbaud to be fully integrated.

NHS Kingston Hospital Charity strives to continue their mission of delivering an outstanding level of care across all its services for the benefit of patients and their families.

Our response.

The client asked us to build a scalable WordPress platform and integrate the Blackbaud platform on appeal pages to accept payments via credit and debit. As one of the main aims of the website is to accept donations, this was crucial to the site’s success.

The Passion Digital team delivered a solution that addressed both needs:

See it in action

Passion Digital Ltd.’s responsiveness and high-quality work have helped them dramatically increase the client’s visibility. Their remarkable SEO skills are perfectly in line with the client’s social media strategies, and their deep understanding of the firm’s branding encourages ongoing engagement.

We’ve been looking at our visibility versus our competition, and we’ve done very well compared to other companies. In fact, we’re only chasing one company at the moment. Their excellent site traffic and SEO support as well as their understanding of how those metrics complement what we’re doing on our social media have helped us achieve our goals.

Overall, we’ve been truly impressed with the improvements they’ve made as well as the results of their work. As a result, we’ve recommended them to another company.

Kiran Noonan Managing Director

They really spent the time to understand the company when we first began working together. I’ve worked with a couple of SEO agencies over the last sort of eight or nine years, and a lot of the time, they’re very numbers-focused, which you would expect — the numbers dictate the content.

I think because Passion spent so long and put so much time and effort into understanding the business, the tone of voice, and our position in the market, they’ve provided a unique ability to marry a numbers-focused strategy with a content plan. It’s very much in tune with what we want, and it’s the kind of flavor we would expect — I personally haven’t experienced that with another organic search agency.

Dale Bray Digital Marketing Manager

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